The Legacy of Mastery

The Legacy of Mastery

The world always runs at such a fast pace that we sometimes miss the little details. The true meaning of beauty has become more challenging to come by, so this time we want to give you a chance to slow down. We believe that craftsmanship is the gateway to rediscovering the essence of beauty. Through […]

Unbreakable Rhaynor: Protecting You from the Unexpected

The world we live in is full of uncertainties, and danger lurks in every corner. It’s a reality that we can’t deny, and it’s something that we should always be prepared for. A customer of Vherkudara knows this all too well. He never knows what will happen next when he’s on the road when suddenly […]

The Love Siege

Life can be unpredictable and full of challenges. At any moment, we may face difficult battles and obstacles that test our strength and resilience. That’s why it’s important to be prepared and equipped with the ultimate defense. Introducing the ultimate a(r)mor, Khalas, Scholar, and Twkhas as a symbol of protection and empowerment. This Valentine’s Day, […]

Legacy of Craft: A Story of Dedication in Every Detail

Sometimes, our gaze is often too narrowly focused on the tangible end result, neglecting the intricate and complex processes that go into creating it. “Good things take time,” the saying goes, and we are proud to embrace this timeless value. Each pair of eyewear from Vherkudara is not just a complementary piece, it is a […]

Weekend Warrior

We get it. Weekday routines can be as boring as getting stuck in traffic. Or listening to TV commercials. They are all endless and suck the life out of you. We get it, that the weekday-you is different from the weekend-you. Weekends, after all, are an escapade, a short getaway. A time for leisure, for […]

ACED-Tate Construction

Our collections are designed using acetate sourced from cellulose fiber found in plants. Known for its flexible, highly durable, and hypoallergenic qualities, acetate is specifically picked among other materials to build tough and strong eyewear constructions. We live by the old saying that says great things take time. The production of the acetate sheets begins […]

On Not Believing in Limits

Everyone has a dream. Even as you’re reading this and your mind goes no, I don’t have one, you still do. You are just too afraid to admit having one. Now, here lies the difference: everyone has dreams, but not everyone dares to realize them. Our minds are powerful. The things we do, and by […]

Heri Dono: On Art, Science, and Everything in Between

There is a particular sense of serenity upon entering Heri Dono’s Studio Kalahan. Its serenity, however, is laced with a bit of eeriness because there are so many mannequins you could’ve easily mistaken as a person. Inside Studio Kalahan are three buildings worth of archives of Heri Dono’s artistic journey. The artist himself welcomed us […]

Suwarno Wisetrotomo: The Man of Many Hats

“This is my hat collection. A few of them are gifts from friends and colleagues. They know what to bring me whenever they’re back from a trip,” says Suwarno when asked about the many fedora hats hanging on a rack in the corner of his home office. It is one of many interesting details captured […]

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