The New Age Royals

There’s a saying that suggests acting like royalty will earn you royal treatment. While there’s truth to it, it’s not meant to be taken literally. In ancient times, kings inherited their status. Today, kings are made. It’s not about arrogance or pretense, but it’s about projecting authentic power and beliefs. In other words, if you […]


How often have you come across the timeless saying, ‘manners maketh man’? This ancient proverb suggests that an individual’s character and social standing are shaped by their manners. However, it goes beyond mere etiquette, it is the core of what molds one’s character and influences others’ perceptions. This philosophy has been exemplified by gentlemen who […]

Lifetime Acetate Polish

Eyewear goes through a lot of wear and tear over the years. As you can see people use it for riding, working, commuting, or every moment. We agree that eyewear is necessary on various occasions. We do rely on eyewear to protect our eyes, but unexpected things do occur. Dropping, throwing, or unintentionally sitting on […]

Dare or Deals

As the new year approaches, people from various cultures commonly engage in the practice of setting resolutions for the upcoming year. There’s an underlying belief that this marks a temporal milestone in the calendar. Though not explicitly stated, many gentlemen who have faithfully adhered to their new year resolutions can be observed through the activities […]

Ride or Die

In bike circles, ride or die largely referred to a motorcyclist commitment to the love of riding. The freedom of the open road. The control that’s truly yours. The rush of meeting a kindred spirit on the asphalt. It’s no surprise that riding has become a global passion for many. Motorcycles, despite their rebellious image, […]

Vherkudara x Godbless

GOD BLESS THROUGH THE AGES PHERENNIAL: A Tribute by Vherkudara In the 1970s, Indonesia’s rock music scene was forever changed by the iconic band God Bless. Their journey, spanning over five decades and marked by 15 lineup changes, solidified God Bless as a legendary figure in Indonesian rock music. To honor this enduring legacy, Vherkudara […]

Walk Your Way

Music goes far beyond the play and pause buttons. Emerging as an underground movement in the 1970s, numerous subgenres, such as hip-hop, have blossomed into diverse art forms and mediums. Consider Run-D.M.C, the iconic pioneers who inspired us. They were revolutionary figures in the 1970s, as they played a pivotal role in transforming hip-hop fashion […]


Sayidan has always been known as a melting pot and gathering point for young enthusiasts of underground music in Yogyakarta. The lively discussions within this tight-knit community have given birth to several bands and served as a nurturing ground for musicians with diverse backgrounds, spanning punk, hardcore, metal, and ska. Shaggydog, led by Heruwa, is […]


Do you believe you have the power to control your direction in life? We share these sentiments through the stories of the gentlemen who faced moments of despair driven by the desire for instant gratification. Yet, they managed to break free, choosing to rise, overcome obstacles, and pursue the seemingly impossible. They make us believe […]


Forming a band is not easy, especially maintaining it for 50 years. But, God Bless begs to differ. They have proven that their dedication and spirit continue to yield tangible results, validated by both old and young fans. This shows that they represent the endurance of a band that can transcend time. Indeed, a half-century […]